TnT wrote:Who says they were wrong? Perhaps Smith would have been successful. Nowadays there is no patience. I feel a new coach now has to start again. And he may benefit from investment that TS never had. So everyone who has the black and white answers if you’ll pardon the pun, without knowing all the facts should e a little considered in their judgement imo. I’m sure FC will rise again but not necessarily from the departure of Tony Smith. As an experienced international coach he will have made a positive contribution to a sinking ship. These forums appear to be vehicle for many to cathartically vent their spleens. Hoy and Smith have been harshly spoken off imo. Heyho
Well, we'll never know about Smith now, will we?
I do find it amusing that several who welcomed Smith as our new saviour were the first ones calling for his head, and are now telling us who and what is needed.
I never really fancied Smith and especially when he brought Gene in.
I agree about your Hoy & Smith comment.