Jake the Peg wrote:No hes shiite. I don't care about my opinion being challenged, it's your assertion that I should stop posting it I was challenging. If your opinion on swift differs to mine I don't care. It doesn't bore me at all that you think differently. I'm happy in the knowledge you're wrong
Ah, now we get a little further to the bottom of this. It’s ok to have an opinion, but yours is the right one
I said you should stop posting rubbish, above being another example. It’s faceless and opinion based, which you fail to back up with any spread of evidence You have no knowledge that I am wrong, as it’s an opinion, which i backed up with a few searches on the net and canvassed the opinion of those who have watched him far more frequently than you.
The ironic thing on this, if 5ere were a load of us sat round a table over a beer, this would have been laughed off ages ago. But you are classic keyboard warrior.
As you were Denton