Quote The Kevster!="The Kevster!"You wanna try living in my house then next door to a bunch of wasters with no jobs who don't speak a word of the Queen's and don't care how much noise they make any day or night of the week.
None of them work and they must be claiming every benefit under the sun. It's an absolute disgrace. I've nothing against anyone who wants to come here and add something to the country and fit in but people like this want throwing back on the boat.'"
Er, except they aren't. YOur blithe assertion makes exactly the point, that most prejudice against immigrants and asylum seekers is based on ignorance and assumption. Alex's Das has nicely pointed out a benefit that only asylum seekers receive... but hasn't pointed out that this is ALL they get.
Asylum seekers aren't allowed to work. They can't calim incomse support, or jobseekers, or housing benefit, or anything else. WE house and feed them. They live where they are put, and have no choice in it. They get utilities paid, and then they get, at most, £66.13 for a couple, to live on. They must follow these terms for as long as it takes to examine their case for asylum. Asylum is only granted if it can be shown that they are in danger or imprisonment, torture or death in their country of origin, and then only for things that we would not consider a crime (such as having left a particular religion, or for expressing a particular point of view). If they don't meet the criteria, or come from a country which our government has deemed safe, they are sent home.
If it can be shown that they entered the UK through a country in which they could first have claimed asylum, they are sent there. Relatively few people are actually granted asylum. Many seek to come to the UK, because in the last 400 years Britain invaded and colonised much of the world.. hence our culture, language and values are taught in many places as the model of a tolerant society (there is some irony here), and also because, as a result of that, there are millions of people all over the world who have distant relatives who hae been British for one, two or more generations.
If they aren't asylum seekers, they are immigrants. If they are not EU citizens, but have come here legally, they have had to fulfil stringent entry criteria. If they are EU citizens, they have as much right to be here as you have to be in their country of origin. If they are from EU accession countries like Poland, Hugary, The Czech republic, Slovakia etc, then they are not entitled to benefits, and if they are from old EU countries like France, Ireland, Spain and Italy, then you are entitled to claim the equvalent benefits as a local if you go there.
If they haven't fulfilled the criteria or are claiming benefits they aren't entitled to, they are breaking the law, simple as that. If they get caught, they'll be treated in the same juducial system as a British cheat, with the added bonus of being deported after they've finished their sentence (or occasionally to serve their sentences in their ow country, in a reciprocal arrangement by which we take back British prisoners convicted abroad).
You wanna try living next door to a bunch of wasters who are white anglo-saxon wasters born and bred for generations in this country. There's plenty of them about. Every society has them, and while its as true of immigrant communities as it is of ancient britons, that has nothing to do with them being immigrants, and eveything to do with them being wasters.
Last up, the Queen's English is an interesting phrase. The Queen's family name is Saxe-Coberg Goetha, from which you might correctly assume the royals are German (its just that being german wasn't so clever in1914, so they called themselves Windsor). Queenie is married to a Greek. Now, if ever there was a sponging imigrant who contributed nothing and took millions from the British taxpayer, it was Prince Phillip. But his son (maybe) and Grandson will one day be the King of England. Go figure.