Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"It's utter nonsense. There seems to be a massive swing in popularity towards Labour in the press. His speech was carefully rehed but I fail to see how anyone can say it was 'brilliant' as most papers coined it today. His voice still makes me want to punch him and I don't trust him at all.'"
Have you actually read it?
Quote Saddened!It was refreshing to hear him admit Labour's mismanagement of social benefits and spending caused the financial calamity the new Government found themselves in and ironic to hear him shovelling out Conservative catch phrases. '"
Where does he mention that in his speech? Why would he when it is nonsense anyway? He does make reference to the global financial crisis being a reason why people may have voted Tory so I don't think you have read it or heard it.
Here you go:
As to hijacking the one-nation catch phrase that is quite smart given the blatantly divisive policies of this government. It is just a way of highlighting that and saying Labour opposes such policies without blathering on like Michael Foot (clever man, poor politically). Whether people believe he can deliver that will be determined between now and the next election.
Quote Saddened!But there were no policy revelations in his speech at all, nothing to get behind as a voter.'"
There were actually several and this one doesn't chime with you then?
"So let me be clear, let me be clear, the next Labour government will end the free market experiment (in the NHS), it will put the right principles back at the heart of the NHS and it will [urepeal the NHS Bill[/u."
Quote Saddened!I suspect Labour have already won the next election, even if they didn't do anything from now till then, such is the wave of negative press about the coalition. I suspect the majority of papers and news channels would have praised the speech if he just walked on stage and stammered about Bananarama for an hour.'"
If there is a wave of negative press perhaps it is down to the fact EM wasn't wrong when he also said this:
"But there is one thing that this Government might have claimed to be good at, and that is competence. Because after all, they think they’re born to rule. So maybe they’d be good at it. Have you ever seen a more incompetent, hopeless, out of touch, u-turning, pledge-breaking, make it up as you go along, back of the envelope, miserable shower than this Prime Minister and this Government?"
And I don't think things like this help the governments standing either:
"And now what do we have. We have the Minister for Murdoch becoming the Minister for the National Health Service. We have an International Development Secretary; she says she doesn’t believe in international development. And get this, we’ve got a Party Chairman who writes books about how to beat the recession, under a false name. Really, I’m not making this up; I’m really not making this up. I mean I have to say if I was Chairman of the Conservative Party, I’d have a false name too."
The coalition gives the press all the ammunition they need.