Quote My Mate Ronnie="My Mate Ronnie"In January, the Guardian reported that the assistant headteacher of the school was forced to defend the lessons'"
And herein lies the problem; the Government have been pathetic on this matter, leaving this beleaguered head teacher to 'defend' lessons that he is legally obliged to deliver, with a mob of religious zealots baying for his blood at the school gates. The DofE should have stepped in straight away, and made it very clear that this school is delivering the national curriculum, like every other state school, and that having parents of a particular faith has no bearing on the matter. Gay people exist - trying to shield your children from it for religious reasons will have no impact on whether they become gay - but it will certainly have an impact on whether they are decent, tolerant and pleasant human beings; and if they do happen to be gay, it may just save them from a miserable and unfulfilled life - which seems to me to be the main objective of most religions.
Quite how, in the 21st Century, we give any credence to the ridiculous demands of the religion lobby, is beyond me; if you want to take some comfort from believing in stories supposedly dictated to an illiterate goatherder somewhere in the desert - fill your boots. But don't expect me, the state, or your fellow citizens to afford your outlandish beliefs any more value than any other strange delusion.
Our civilisation will be greatly improved when, in a future society (provided we make it before we turn the earth into a depleted, barren pebble) religion is perceived as an amusing and novel anachronism, used by the powerful to control the masses and in particular, to oppress women.