Quote ="PrinterThe"Might have a better chance but they've retired, let's get over it and it's not like they're ready made like for like replacements for those players running around.
All the talk about Sinfield and Peacock and another coach.
Question did Sinfield and Peacock + co win a CC under McClennen, under Smith, under Powell?
Seem to recall a SF loss to Hudds in2006 that was much worst than today, losing to Hull in a final, getting walloped by Warrington in 2010.
For the majority of the 21st century we've been dumped out of the cup in disappointing fashion regardless of players or coach. The only who has landed is the cup is actually McDermott. McClennen, Smith, Powell and Lance all failed.'"
There may not be ready made replacements but you at least A.Try to recruit quality & B.Adapt a gameplan to suit the squad you do have.
Wrt 2006 today was easily on a par if not worse imo.
You say lets get over it now Sinfield & JP have gone that's fine but it's becoming clearer that others need to move on aswell on & off the field.
This "New Era" is going to need a fresh approach fresh ideas & better recruitment.