Quote ☺East-Sard☺="☺East-Sard☺"Rovers losing will always be more important to some people.
(and vice versa it has to be said)'"
Agree with that. There does seem to be an increasing number of people for whom the most important result each weekend is the hope that the other will lose rather than wanting to see their own team win, this weekend being a prime example of this trait.
It is becoming increasingly annoying sitting at the KC (on the occasions when we both play at the same time) and listening to people enquirying "ow are rovers doing" rather than watching the game in front of them.
Prior to last night, I was still hoping for a derby play-off game against you at the KC (and at least a chance of revenging the bad night of 2010) but I guess this weekend has probably scuppered that. Also, for me personally, your defeat today doesn't even remotely take away the stench of last night's truly appalling performance by FC.
See you all next season I guess.