Quote hansoloishere="hansoloishere"Im not sure if the refs are totaiiy biased, totally blind, or just totally **$£**ing useless. Last night we got mullered by a much better team. IMO we didnt play too bad last night, considering the team we fielded and the injuries sustained. However this aside the reffing was a joke once more. Wigans very first set, tackle five, Hock has it stripped in a one on one, and thats being lenient because he dropped it, oh my word, its a penalty to wigan. This seems to be how the games go week in week out, yet somehow its always seems to be the same teams the get the rub of the green. Im sick to death of watching teams tackle hard for five tackles only for the ref to give a pathetic penalty on the last tackle.
Last night what really gets on my **** is how wigan are allowed to lay on at every play of the ball, they dump three and four men into the tackle, one or two arriving when the tackle is already complete, then lie there well the defence gets set. Then after they have had a cup of tea, and maybe even a biscuit, they decide they just might get off and let the player get to his feet. Also, in the tackle, when the man is stood up, and the man with the whistle has shouted held, they are allowed to hold onto the man and grapple with him for an extra half hour while the defence gets set. Yet not once, not once in the whole game was wigan penalised for this infringment.
Wigan fans will just say its sour grapes, but im not just talking about last night, its week in, week out. Its every game you watch on sky.The Catalan game against St Helens was nothing short of criminal, even the video ref wiped off two perfectly good tries. Catalan got a try wiped off for a dubious forward pass, that was never forward, yet two minutes later Meli catches a pass that was at least five yards forward but the try stands.
I could go on for hours, something needs to change because as a spectical the sport is becoming a joke. I love Rugby league and have watched it for over twenty years, yet even i am losing my patience and feel like not watching anymore.'"
Totally agree. These refs don't seem to answer to anyone either and don't apoligise after making error after error. Unfortunately it seems the rfl are happy with the standard of refereeing as they've hardly said anything different have they? I'm not expecting a change anytime soon