Quote Kettykat="Kettykat"Surely we need to build as big as we can in the coming years along with the team and sell it to the fans , seems counter intuitive to see how many we get then build accordingly. Imaging when we go on a losing run and the wakey fans of old rear their heads and head for the exit once again . Build as big as you can then get the place filled and rocking'"
Not necessarily, you have to be wary of the utilisation score which for us could be very important. Build it too big too soon and it could have negative impacts on our score.
If we manage to pull around a 6k-6.5k average next season (which I think would be a realistic target then I can see the west being done with adding 500 or so during the works.
It’s not as simple as building it.
You have to also look at the demand within the stadium. Things I would consider are:
- The average 2025 attendence and how any increase in capacity would affect utilisation scoring for IMG grade.
- where the demand is within the stadium. For example if the east, north and south are continually sold out or close yet the west doesn’t sell out or close once then would you further develop the north to increase capacity for home fans where the demand is? If your filling the east most weeks then redeveloping adding facilities and new stand with added capacity and boxes could be worth it. You won’t for 500 or so fans.
- hospitality demand - if the MKM and south boxes sell out most weeks then you can justify a redevelopment including a number of boxes on 1F above the terrace as this should generate revenue match day.
- whether anything built could be utilised by the events team for outside match day. For example 5/6 x boxes on a sky terrace that house 10 persons each but have folding sectionable walls to open or close and increase between 10-60 person capacity would be ideal. You can then utilise 5/6 x boxes for match day and have another 50/60 (or more) events option for events/parties/business conferences.
- Ellis may want the new stand to house certain new facilities such as a gym or have a building/gym connected to the south west corner (the vacant space). Needs planning and consideration.
There are other considerations but that’s just a quick one.