Well, it ain't Sky that's for certain but I don't suppose we're working with a Sky production budget.
I have to say, the balcony of the Benidorm flats with 50 fans going berserk on it doesn't seem like the most stable of platforms to shoot 120yards away slo mos from.
You could always pay for Sky to not be able to identify players correctly aaaand watch every single Wakey game home and aw...........oh wait !
Seriously though. I think TC does a difficult job really well, who cares if he mis identifies a few players, makes wrong calls, moans about the refs signals, its all part of his charm, he doesn't have 5 talking heads, the refs earpiece and on pitch interviewers around him, he has to do the whole thing himself on the fly from start to finish, no gaps, pregnant pauses silent interludes, nothing, just solid commentary as he see's it, I kinda like it like that.
I am hoping though, that when the new stand is finished there'll be a decent bit of concrete to stand a this camera tripod on, and we get side on coverage..