Quote Upanunder="Upanunder"oh ffsake...
So MC has to knock back the new Stadium offer after the conditions under which it is to be built and run are altered beyond the financial viability originally agreed.
This makes Rod happy, he doesn't have to deliver the stadium that the Bermuda triangle didn't want to build in the first place and conveniently shifts the blame for that to WT's doorstep.
Full WExpress back page spread.......Rod throws his arms in the air and say's, I tried my best, its all Trinity's fault the stadium won't be built.
For what it's worth (nothing), that's how I imagine it playing out too.
This may not be the case of course. Until we hear from our intrepid leader, we won't know which way the wind is blowing.
All we have at the moment are hearsay and conjecture. But then as Aristotle postulated, nature abhors a vacuum.