Quote jools="jools"Johnson was Absolutely savage- and no it wasn't his girlfriend- it was a complete stranger who he decided he was going to sexually assault in a bar and when she objected to said sexual assault he glassed her in the face. The poor girl was sadly left with long term damage to her sight and had to walk down the aisle three weeks later with a scarred and bruised face. He was at Hudds at the time and they dumped him straight away. If that piece of crap can still get a contract then Moore could. Moore has more talent-such a bleeding waste- if he had the right attitude he would have been Englands hooker last month!'"
Yes I said I wasn't sure on the exact details when I posted, until someone posted a link to a article about the case and I corrected myself. Like I said the pictures and description of what happened from the link, speak volumes about the bloke.
We can go back & forth about what Moore has supposedly done but your right, if Johnson can find his way back into SL after what he did, Moore certainly can. Also agree with your last sentence, he really could have gone down as one of the best Hooker's in the SL era, with plenty of England/GB caps under his belt, if he just had his head screwed on properly and was more professional full stop.