Quote newgroundb4wakey="newgroundb4wakey"Take all the other arguments away from it, the s106, the PI, the ownership of BV or NM, the previous regimes mistakes or misadministration. If you truly have red, white and blue running through your veins would you rather gaze at that rectangle of green that all the trin greats have graced over the years or would you rather step into the unknown of NM. If they could devise some sort of scheme to compensate the residents near NM this BV scheme sounds the best option by far in the opinion of a genuine neutral Cas fan.
I take your point and it is an idealistic view... my worry is that we (as a club and fans) have been manipulated and, although we now find ourselves in a position of potential benefit... the acceptance of that benefit is very likely to dissadvantage or hurt another area of the community.
I honour people like TRB and his compadres, as I do to the guys who are working their socks off at the ground now.... and others who slave tirelessly and quietly in the background... they have acted and act with genuine integrity and fortitude throughout... unlike some of the hangers on who have resurfaced with evangelistic zeal since the agenda changed.
If a community sports facility is still planned and will be a part of the NM development, then I stand down and recind my argument.
but at the moment it seems to me that our gain will be at the significant detriment of others, and that is unacceptable.