Quote Did you know?.="Did you know?."Been a bit quite of late have the Methley moaners, just been given the April Methely messenger and heres the latest and i quote,
Newmarket Green Belt status threatened by Wakefield`s latest ploy.
Wakefield council has revealed their new proposals for Newmarket.
So it`s time to write in again BEFORE APRIL 5th.
Wakefield council has started the public consultation process for a policy proposal to remove 51 hectares (126 acres) of land out of the Green Belt in order to provide land for warehousing. Already under fire by affected communities for their support of a separate planning application to build warehousing and a rugby stadium on the site, the council appears to have ignored the 1140 letters of objection received about the planning application by developer Yorkcourt Properties and is now attempting to remove the site from the Green Belt altogether.
It is part of a councils remit to identify and designate land within its boundary for commercial or housing requirements. It is their duty, however, to comply with their own statutory policies and national guidelines. Several key policies appear to have been contravened, giving those wishing to object an opportunity to challenge the legallity of this proposal which will ultimately be approved or rejected by a Government Inspector and possibly a further Public Inquiry.
The consulation forms part of the Local Development Framework (LDF), a policy document which states the Council`s intentions for long-term developments in the Wakefield area. Until two years ago, the Newmarket site had been designated as a natural habitat and had been previously rejected for development due to its remote position and failure to comply with criteria outlined in local and and national policies. The Council`s rejection of the site changed coincidentally with the appearance of the developer and its offer to build a rugby stadium. The cost of providing the stadium was allegedly to be met by the development of the rest of the site for warehousing. Interestingly, the current LDF proposal does not contain any reference to the provision of a stadium.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? A leflet outlining the reasons for challenging these LDF proposals is to be provided shortly for every Methley household. Use this information to write a letter of objection to Wakefield Council. The deadline is Wednesday 5 April 2011.'"
I have known about this for a while but, to be honest, I didn't think it was worth bringing up on the board (no offence meant to the OP). Unfortunately, the majority of it is yet more libellous rubbish but this is also factually quite poor, which I am quite pleased about in some ways.
I can't decide whether statements like 'revealed their new proposals' are actual deliberate libellous distortions or whether they actual believe they think it is a 'new' situation, which of course it isn't, the LDF proposals pre-date the application.
They have also now posted up a copy of their latest flyer here - [urlhttp://www.methley-village.com/html/residents_association.html[/url
I was also both surprised and pleased by this, now I have seen it! The previous flyers have been effective in achieving their sole purpose of gaining wider objection but this is quite poor and also, much too late! This process is actually at the end, not the start. This current round of consultation is very specific and is actual a technical consultation, so you should be restricting any comments to the technical and legal process of the LDF in the selection of this site, not upon the selection of the site itself... if you wanted to object the selection of the site, you should have done that by November last year!
They appear to be both getting desperate and sloppy!