Quote saints35 bulls0="saints35 bulls0"
you have come up with a solution to a problem that doesnt really exist - and doesnt explain how it would stop some clubs and coaches [uchoosing[/u to field 9 out of 13 foreign players in their teams.'"
Am I missing something?
Is there a Rule that states You Can't play 9 Foreign Players ??????
How come this didn't seem to bother you when other clubs had has many if not more foreign players in their team?
Are you getting on your Moralistic High Horse as you want to see the standard of English Rugby improve? If so, thanks for that but I have another suggestion, stop picking the likes of Wilking/Gardner/Maureen etc for GB that may Help!
Please tell me how many of their own Local Backs Saints have brought through into their starting 1-7 in the last 5 years????
I'll tell you what!
Ask Wellens/Gidley/Long/Cayless/Graham Maybe Roby to sit out 1/2 or 3/4 of a season like some clubs have had to do in previous seasons ie Hull?Warrington/Ourselves etc and throw in 5/6 of tese youngsters for the next 15/20 weeks and lets see how Good they are playing with Gardner/Gilmour/Flannery/Wilkin & Hargreaves Class week in week out!
The truth is, Saints & Leeds have been able to promote some Youth into their set ups over the last couple of years because their clubs have had the stability and the success to enable them to do so.
If your concern is about bringing through players to play for GB then :-
When Wigan were making GF Appearances & CC Final Appearances regularly 88-95 - 98-2004 we brought Many,Many more through that were eligible for GB & England and many went on to have Good SL & International careers for England/GB.
In Your 10 Year period of dominance How many players Have Saints provided for GB That YOU Produced? I Can think of about 4 or 5 maybe???
If your concern is more about how many foreign players Wigan are playing each week then :-
Considering the Turmoil the club went through Late 2004/05/06 I don't think weve recovered too badly thank you.
What is it of any concern to you ?
I have said it before I will say it again, The Saints fans are becoming the total embodiment of everything they say they used to hate about Wiganers!
Know it all pompus kn0bs!
You don't know any better than us, you don't know more about rugby than us, You don't have better Morals regarding the future of British RL more than us.
Your team is Just winning more than us at the moment!
At some point this will change, Will you be right about everything then?