Quote inside_man="inside_man"it goes back to our limitations currently imposed on us re: the cap, upgrades to Junior contracts [Tomkins would i imagine already have taken a bit of a chunk out of the wages of Hock, Smith and possibly Bailey. To get Kearney in to replace Phelps would perhaps mean having to double the wage spent on our fullback, therefore reducing the amount we can spend on a prop which is where every man and his dog can see we need strengthening.'"
The limitations we have now on signing the prop are completely self imposed and largely to do with the steady re-signing of virtually all our out of contract players.
The argument used to be (and even IL said it) that by 2010 we would be in a position to recruit players as a number of contracts were up.
Instead of doing that we have chosen to renew those contracts. All the contracts that have been renewed including Phelps are for players who are IMO average to good players.
Quote inside_manPhelps, purely from the playing side of things, deserved a new contract. He has been fantastic since getting a run at fullback and therefore from that perspective alone deserved an extension. '"
He is OK. I wouldn't call him fantastic. That isn't the point however. If for example his wage plus say Bailey's could get us that prop we need then given who we have on the books who could play full back he should have gone because we would be better as a team with the class prop we need and say Roberts at FB than Phelps at FB and the same pack we have now IMO.
When you start using words like "deserve" then tough decisions like that don't need to be confronted because you are giving players contracts for effort rather than ability and not considering the wider needs if the team.
Most players deserve a new deal for their efforts it's just that sometimes better players or players in other positions are needed so they have to leave. If you look at the individuals before you know where you are you have set yourself up with the same team as you had before as each one is a deserving case in some way or other and that looks like where we are headed.
Quote inside_manBecause he is quota however, people look at him as if he should be a world beater [which i can see him growing into personally.'"
IL seems to think that is what our quota players should be so its a bit of mystery why none of them are.
Quote inside_manHowever if releasing Phelps from his contract meant we could only get a good prop rather than a world class one who would then be tied to the club for 3 years when an even bigger chunk of wages is coming off next year surely it would be beneficial in the long run just to stick with the players we've got now, then in 2011 be able to spend the big bucks on a couple of world class overseas players.'"
As I have been saying we need a class prop so no I would not want just a good one but what I am saying is that because we have re-signed nearly all our out of contract players we have not got the money to get one. Letting Phepls go alone would not see enough wages freed up to get a class prop obviously. But if we added his wages to those of Bailey and some of Hocks surely we could go after such a player?
It is not just about Phelps but about all of the players who have had contracts renewed and whether or not one or more could have been let go to free up the cash to improve the side. I think with both Bailey and Phelps we have other players contracted for 2010 who would be good enough to replace them leaving their wages for recruitment.