Quote Conorgiantsfan="Conorgiantsfan"The Beauty of Social Media is that it can be a great leveller in terms of exposure. With the right tools and the right know-how, anyone can build a following and get an excellent level of exposure using Twitter especially. Twitter is an open, exceptionally interactive and immersive experience that allows a direct line of communication between diehards, casual fans and those just interested in the club. It can also, if used correctly, allow a massive expansion in your brand recognition which makes you more valuable to sponsors.
What Huddersfield have to do is make sure they interact with their fan base and make even the ones who'll watch 2-3 games feels intimate with the club. I know PA is quite protective of his players, but a few interviews over the course of the season, in video format wouldn't do the club any trouble and have the possibility of going viral, as has been said. Maybe over easter, do some easter eggs and link the videos to tickets for the Easter Week fixtures? Have a pinned tweet linking to the ticket homepage at the top of their feed - could flog 60 tickets, but that's 60 more than we would have got.
Also, if you want to expand your reach on Twitter - TAG THE CLUBS INVOLVED IN THE TWEETS YOU'RE SENDING! I mentioned this to the club a while back, if Huddersfield have 17.7k followers, and they tweet at Wigan (50k followers), and Wigan retweet it, it's going to be reached to a total of about 55,000 people, if they hashtag #RLNewEra or #SLWigHud, they could reach another 2,000. It's all about adding your reach together, and maybe picking up a few more followers each week, and eventually you could have a good 45k followers.
Twitter is about the little things, that Fartown currently don't do. (Like lots of elements of the organisation)'"
So, that's one volunteer. Anyone else?