Quote WYSIWYG2="WYSIWYG2"Ridiculous price £30. Lots of away fans will boycott that price. Cheaper to stay home and watch on SKY if on. I reckon on 5-6000 average crowds when he could have filled the place with a more realistic price in these difficult economic times.........'"
In fairness, WYS, we didn't even fill the place for the free entry promotion party against Batley in 2016.
£27 pre-purchase is still up £4 on most games last season even though we have the full central funding this coming season. Forget visiting fans for a moment. The problem is attracting inquisitive irregulars from these parts - impulse attendance on the day after sniffing the weather will not be encouraged by a £30 price tag!
If we assume that the majority of the home supporters will be "card-carrying members", would the club be financially better off with 1,000 stroll-ups @ £30 or 2,000 stroll-ups @ last season's price of £23?
£30K or £46K + an extra 1,000 engaged fans?
Yes the stroll-up numbers are randomly picked but the point is still valid.
When Bongser can get to a home game, he'll stump up the £30. He'll save the extra £7 and more easily by being "barred" from The Legends' Bar before and after games!