Quote The All New Chester Wire="The All New Chester Wire"No he didn't. Moderating a public forum is a matter of judgement. If his let it all hang out policy was allowed to run, we'd find it even harder to get proper debate. We'd still be hearing about Chicago Rock and nasty immigrants (from different posters, I hasten to add).'"
However the point he makes about threads being locked because there face or topic doesn't fit is completely true, certain mods get the hump over something pathetic and start giving out banning orders i also feel one mod in particular tends to constantly wind certain posters up, on purpose it seems, when they get a reaction BANG here is you ban Mr.
We posters got told a while ago not to swear or put anything with different symbols which would represent a swear word, i agree with this and have seen people get a ban because of this, however the mods are allowed to do it? seems strange that.
We should have somebody higher keeping an eye on the mods i say.