Full rules here:
www.therfl.co.uk/the-rfl/rules/i">www.therfl.co.uk/the-rfl/rules/interactive_operational_rules?section=E1">www.therfl.co.uk/the-rfl/rules/i ... section=E1
But to answer your question Wirecutter, most/all of the points you raise are covered in the rules - relavant bits below!! Mind you whether all clubs abide by them is I suspect open for discussion...
E1:5:2 Wherever salary or other benefits are expressed as being paid, payable or Accruing:
5.2.1 “to a Player”, such expression will be deemed to include payments that are paid, payable or Accrue:
to the Player himself;
for the benefit of the Player;
to, or for the benefit of, the spouse, partner, relative or trustee of the Player;
to, or for the benefit of, any person or business entity associated directly or indirectly with the Player;
in satisfaction of all or part of a debt owed by the Player;
to, or for the benefit of, a Licensed Player Agent or other Agent for services rendered on behalf of the Player;
at, or pursuant to, the direction of the Player; and/or
such other transactions as the RSCM determines should be treated as payments to a Player;
5.2.2 “by a Club”, such expression shall be deemed to include payments and other benefits that are paid, payable or Accrue:
by the Club itself;
on behalf of the Club;
by, or on behalf of, any person, business or entity associated or affiliated with the Club (including, without limitation, other sporting clubs, whether linked by common management, ownership, control, directorships, company officers, shareholding, undertaking or otherwise);
by, or on behalf of, a sponsor or other commercial partner of the Club; and/or
such other cases as the RSCM determines should be treated as payments by the Club