Quote GT="GT"
Surely it's better to have a rational, reasoned debate and ignore the balloons? Some of us do have some genuine concerns about some things at the club, but we're also not adverse to giving credit where it's due. The problem is that those concerns either get dismissed as being the opinions of the carpers, or it just gets lost in the bitching between the two factions.
As a lifelong Salford supporter I have genuine concerns over the club and the way that some things have been run over the years and yes many things could have been done more professionally than they have been but one has to accept, that as many people have set out previously, we have to be thankful that the club is still operating, in Superleague and in my opinion holding it's own considering its income stream compared with the amounts that other clubs can afford or are willing to spend and take a chance on the consequences.
I can and do accept different opinions from any supporter, I see things differently than members of my family do but what I find hard to accept and what really sticks in my throat are the people who whilst in the Chairmans and or the Directors company are all smiles etc, yet return to the Turkey slagging them off.
At numerous meetings attended by the Chairman,Directors and other staff these same people sit there, say nothing to their faces, ask no questions and then post something that bears no relation to what took place at the meeting.
This week has been a great week for any Salford supporter but still some people aren't satisfied well I am and all the fans that I have spoken to are also happy and looking forward to Friday and another good performance, win or lose.