Quote spegs="spegs"Yes, without its customer a business ceases to exist. I don't give a flying toss as to whether our sport is global, universal or just played in my back garden. I go to watch my team with my heart. The ideologists can continue to preach their rhetoric. I am the reason Rugby League exists...'"
What a ridiculous post.
YOU are not the reason RL exists at all.
Without players, there is no rugby league. They are the most important, not some self-centred know-it-all who preaches from the stands.
Going to watch your team with your heart doesn't get players on a pitch. It doesn't get the best players in your pitch. It doesn't get most out of the players on your pitch.
People want the sport to grow so that their team can achieve more than winning a small competition in front of a few people. It's why the Champions League is so big, and that it exists alongside the Premier League. And why that exists instead of the Yorkshire League.
Professional sport is about achieving the most possible. The most possible isn't just what's I'm front of you today, it's what could be in front of you tomorrow. Some people are worried the team they support won't be able to achieve that and hope tomorrow never comes.