Quote Geekay="Geekay"Which is the same principal that governs that turkeys will not vote for Christmas!!! Talking of votes don't the 14 SL votes equal of better the other 21 clubs in the RFL, the governing body of all clubs???'"
It depends on what they are voting on.
Correctly clubs which arent in Super League have a very limited say on what happens in Super League, Similarly the amateur game isnt well represented in the decision making which affects the championships, and the championships have very little say on what happens in the amateur game.
It is only on measures which affect the whole of the game where SL clubs have a higher value vote, which is unsurprising considering that the vast majority of money and visibility comes from SL and is simply what stops SL leaving the RFL structure again and having a relationship similar to the football league and premier league, which would in practice, give lower league clubs much less funding and much less of a voice.