Quote Bulliac="Bulliac"I've never considered to the team to lack effort. Belief, well yeah, most probably, along with composure and any confidence in themselves [and those around them, but not effort. I agree about the fans; we've given it up - little wonder when you look realistically at where we are. I think, along with the team, we all thought, "oh no, not [iagain[/i" after Moore and his group packed it in at the start of the season and let's face it, the feeling of doom, hanging like the sword of Damocles, hasn't really lifted since.
I'm beginning to feel a bit sorry for Mr Green. Given the last two or three of years it would have been pretty impossible for [ianyone[/i to convince the fans, and maybe the players, that everything is suddenly alright now, so he really has a job on his hands. As a fan, I often feel that I'm just 'going through the motions'. I mean, I still shout, in impotent rage, at what I feel are 'bum calls', from the man in the middle, but then I just joke about it with the bloke in the next seat, there's no emotion anymore and I don't even feel saddened for a while, after we've lost, like I used to do.
I've wanted to bring the curtain down on 2014 for a couple of months now, and for me, it's pretty hard to blame the players for feeling the same.'"
This pretty much sums it up for me. It’s also starting to seep into my enjoyment of the rest of the sport as well – as in I’m just not bothered about it. Sometimes I don’t know the results of other SL matches until I read the League Express (and since I subscribe, that’s on a Tuesday!). The other week I didn’t even know the result of Saints vs Wigan until two days after it was played. Even two years ago in the middle of our first implosion I wouldn’t have missed Saints vs Wigan.
I’ll always love RL and I’ll always support the Bulls, but I need a break because I’m absolutely sick of this season. (Having said that I’m quite looking forward to London away. Should be a laugh, gallows humour and all that)