Quote django="django"That's just the legal requirement. The club are still investigating and may impose a heavier fine. if they do, that money may be offered to the victim as extra compensation, or may be given to charity, etc.'"
Throughout this thread I've always been very confident in my assessment that Leeds would see this as another none issue and just say one thing to the press and another thing inside the club. It was just my reading of events as I saw it. I know some people on here know I have a good source of info but I've never during his career ever used him to trawl for info. In total honestly I don't have much interest in the lives of the players, I support the 13 on the park and beyond that I'm not that interested.
I checked with my source just to check whether my assessment was right or whether the other people were right.
My source told me I was wrong.
So I hold my hands up and pretty much retract most of my comments on here. It sucks to be wrong. But it really, really sucks when you were really certain about something.
I'm struggling to deal with RL being so strict and harsh to ZH when everyone inside the game knows plenty of legends and Hall of Famers have done things 50 times as bad as Zak and still being accepted. The legend who was in the avatar. I love that guy because of what he did on the field. I know he served time in jail and as far as I'm concerned that's an issue between him, the police and the courts. I don't know the details so I don't judge. I also know some rumours and the only thing I can say about that is that I just hope someone lied. I hope the rumours were completely false. But if the rumours were confirmed right TBH I just don't even want to think about it.
I really think the world is messed up in 2015. People are so massively judgemental over things while the press and politicians are at an all time low. We have made lots of strides over racism, there's TV/twitter steps towards gay rights but the real world is completely different.
I think I need to start heavily drinking or get high because it's pointless thinking about things.