Quote Fully="Fully"But it wouldn't have mattered one jot if he didn't or did answer; this is the point we're getting across. The information is nothing new; GH is, has and always will be open to third-party organisations/clubs to use. In addition to this, we did agree to a feasibility study and the rest is factual information. The only people that can be perhaps at fault for that are the people that declined the feasibility study and gave that as ammunition for the objectors.
The objectors, not RW, were going to bring this up any way and this issue would have been pursued and I have no doubt that the Inspector being impartial (although I'm not sure) would have been able to contact CTRLFC himself and ask for these comments. Vis-a-vis, the impact would still be the same.
The thing WTW fans need to get into their heads is that Castleford Tigers, nor Richard Wright, have no grounds to object. Therefore, this is NOT an objection nor a way of preventing WTW plans from going through. This has got to be taken into account when looking at WMDC's evidence and more pertinently Yorkcourt's reasons for justifying the stadium to be in Greenbelt.
In fact, the issue that is being negated is the fact that the material objection is not against a stadium at all; it's against the Warehousing and subsequent other facilities lumbered on the same site. The stadium is being used to justify the whole development going through as without the warehousing there is no stadium.'"
Oh just leave them alone , they are only scared that this latest bout of scrounging for a free ride will falter.
Good on ya RW , they dont like the truth