Quote allmatt="allmatt""Wakefield Ratepayers pay out £150,000 for Wildcats Stadium Plans " - Shock Horror!!!!
Who would have thought it?
As posted on this thread -
As all the other posters have said, this is not news to anyone... at all!
This loan is indeed a draw down on the £2m which Wakefield MDC have offered to BOTH clubs as security going forward as a contribution to both stadium developments. BOTH clubs have, and have always had, the same opportunity to access some of the money in this way. However, for some reason Cas Tigers have not yet set up a correctly structured 'stadium' trust company and have therefore not being able to access it to date. They may have very good reasons for not doing so, but I have always not really understood why Cas didn't take up the same offer and use some of the money?
I think bigalf you need to be careful here... as TRB has said, are you now saying that because you think 'you' might not need your £2m that you opinion has changed? Also, I don't think we have had any 'official' word from the club that they do not need it if the Opus deal comes off... they have said fully funded by Opus but what does that mean?
Throwing stones, glasshouses and all that mate!