Quote Always Travelling="Always Travelling"Oh My God, Red league, you have annoyed me so much I have had to spend the last hour trying to remember my log in.
Firstly a sound business man will keep as many parts of his business separate from each other, just in case. he will keep the stadium separate from Salford. If he wants to walk away then he can, and still have a have a viable money making business. If both Salford and sale fold then he has land that he can build on. he has not invested 10.7 million in Salford, he has cleared Salford’s debts 700,000 and then is probably taking a majority share in a separate business costing 10 million.
Could it be that he wants the stadium business for 10 million and the only way he could get it was to spend 700,000 on Salford and will keep them going for a while and then pull out leaving him with a stake in a stadium with the rights to build housing or other businesses on the attached lands worth more than the 10.7 million he had to spend.
I hope I am wrong because I do like Salford, I just don’t like you lording it up on this site because you have kept a licence you do not deserve as your financial plan was speculative and failed the first time and now you get a second chance in the same division instead of having to start again.'"
Or could it be that your clutching at straws trying to think of anything negative hoping it doesn't work out? The sport is on its backside as it is so you better hope more people like our new chairman come to the rescue for the good of the game, just one thing why should we of started again?