Quote Pumpetypump="Pumpetypump"So sorry you've been touched so closely by it; its absolutely hideous. My family are still very blessed to have none of us knowingly get it, not even extended family. We are very fortunate indeed.'"
My Son & His Girlfriend who both lives with us got it (He's a Teacher so I'm sure ZZB will think he was just skiving and ironically she works in a Lab Testing blood etc. for disease etc/) but they did the right thing and isolated for 10days in their room - My son had no symptoms, His GF did have Flu like symptoms for about 3 days or so.
The rest of our household isolated in the rest of the house for 10days
The experience my cousin and her kids/Family had with her Husband was just horrific
It was very early on (Pre Easter) and they had just started to use the turning technique etc. However, He had bee sent home from Hospital despite feeling really rough after he originally went in, The rest of the family got it, They ended up ringing one of their work colleagues 2 days later and they turned up for him, took him away and within 24hrs he was Intubated. Never saw him again until 2 weeks later when he died.
My other cousin (Her Brother) went up that night and he was speaking to me from the hospital - He said it was surreal in that outside and in A&E there was no-one - Yet through the Doors everyone was Haz Mat up and it was like a scene from MASH, it was horrendous. A family friend of ours worked on ICU so we knew what was going on with his care etc. and the nurses/doctors inside that environment were unbelievable and we will never forget their care and compassion.
He also at the time was working with a firm who were asked to procure PPE - Hospitals/councils etc. ringing 24/7 asking to get their hands on anything they could get - The stories about having no body bags for the dead etc. just blew me away and it certainly affected him.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear in years to come of Doctors/nurses etc. who are struggling with forms pf PTSD after all this.