Quote Dally="Dally"Yes, Labour is heading for oblivion. That's for the simple reason I have been banging on about for years (pre-Corbyn) - they do not represent anything or anybody. Until they can themselves answer the basic questions of what they stand for and who they wish to represent they will fail. They have already fallen so far it will be a very hard climb back up, which I doubt they will achieve any time soon. The vacuum they have created and are creating will probably be filled by a combination of the far right and some poncey middle of the road party in the short to medium-term.'"
I think that Corbyn is trying to align himself to an "old school" working class population, that works down t'pit or in a factory somewhere.
Unfortunately, people no longer carry out the hard semi skilled manual labour that they once did and his "target market" is simply too small to have sufficient votes to carry him to power.
The first requirement for any party leader, who is serious about wanting to be prime minister, is to be sufficiently popular as to obtain enough parliamentary seats to have a majority and in this respect Labour are failing quite spectacularly.
Sure, there are thousands of people on low wages or, who are unable to work and the Tory government holds them all in contempt, no longer trusting the medical profession to advise if people are fit to work and instead forces them to prove their fitness to a government official but, there just aren't enough people who want to fight for the same things that he does.
The "working class" sadly, are more likely to see the right wing Tory, Farage as their saviour, which is just bonkers as the guy is seeking power for his own means and like the rest our right wing politicians, doesnt give a damn about those people that he pretends to represent.