Quote Dally="Dally"...and to introduce it in the first place.......and Ed now having a great new idea... to introduce a 10p tax rate! That's such a great election swinging idea, one to really get the UK going forward, the sort of big idea that only a great statesman could conceive.'"
You're right, Brown introduced the 10p rate and he also abolished it ... in favour of working tax credits.
However, those tax credits (which seemed a fine idea at the time, helping the "strivers"icon_wink.gif and the lack of sufficient increase in the minimum wage have led to employers holding down wages below levels at which they wouldn't even have had applicants if not for the working tax credits to make up the difference. (That's when they don't get JSA workers for free, paid for by the taxpayer).
To admit that error (which he has .. and when was the last time you saw a politician do that?) and say he'll re-introduce the 10p rate is, to my mind, admirable ... and I'd like see more of the same please.
Your thin sarcasm about it being "[ithe sort of big idea that only a great statesman could conceive[/i" is misplaced, I don't think it is being billed as a "big idea" and, to my mind, should be only a part of a raft of measures that are required, including a substantial rise in the minimum wage, at least to the touted "living wage" level.
El Barbudo's "Well I never knew that" Corner
.... did you know that the USA introduced a federal minimum wage as long ago as 1938 and Obama is trying to get it raised to $9?
No, neither did I until I read it today .... What a bunch o' commies, eh?