Quote toast="toast"Next stop is enforced stop and search, proceeded by mandortory ID cards. Thanks to tony Blair , their is very little the anti terrorism law does not cover.
This was not a terrorist attack.'"
You need to direct your fire at Theresa May. Watch as she pushes for the "snoopers charter" bill to be put back into the legislative program.
So far Cameron has shown suitable restraint in saying no such knee jerk reactions. We will see if he sticks too it and isn't bullied on this issue as he has been by his back benchers over Europe.
Here is a bit of background:
This is a pretty good observation piece as well:
I particularly liked this comment:
"Whatever their religious beliefs, they are modern and secular enough to have decided to defer the fruits of martyrdom and carnal rewards in paradise. "
which is an interesting point and lends some weight to this comment from the same piece:
"Preoccupied elsewhere yesterday afternoon, I became aware of a "terrorist incident at Woolwich" quite late in the cycle. When I checked the BBC's News channel – Sky gets far too excited too quickly for my taste –
[uI quickly decided that this ugly crime was likely to be a one-off by a couple of disturbed young men who joined a jihadi website class rather than one of south-east London's gangs. They might have murdered a gang rival or a shopkeeper, instead they channelled their testosterone bloodlust elsewhere.[/u I switched the TV off, watching the endless recycling of this voyeuristic stuff is bad for us all, even at my age."
"That instant assessment – a "lone wolf" attack, not part of an orchestrated onslaught directed by sinister forces abroad – may prove to be wrong, but nothing I have read or heard since then yet changes my mind."
And that is my view also. As such I don't it does anyone any favours to class this as terrorism.