Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"I am a very experienced Photoshop user and the above is in my considered view conspiracist nonsense.'"
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump"Nope, that's a loaded statement meant to browbeat independent thinking into quiescence.'"
Nope, it was a neutral and accurate statement meant to indictae that I consider myself able to comment on "Photoshopping" questions with as much validity as you did when you made the following loaded statement presumably meant to browbeat independent thinking into quiescence:
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump"I also think that by red-shifting the atmosphere they also make it easier for those editing Mars images to clone out inconvenient artifacts without leaving the telltale traces that experienced Photoshop users can spot a mile off. I have attempted to clone the same portion of duplicate images and it is definitely harder to detect changes at a pixel level in the photograph which has been colour shifted into the red.'"
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" You should know by now that I attach a much higher degree of significance to my own opinions than yours (for a whole host of reasons) so I really don't know why you bothered typing it. '"
I neither know nor care what you think of my opinions. Take em or leave em. I typed it in answer to your claim, that much is surely obvious.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" This is a gross misrepresentation and you know it. I don't know ANYONE, ANYWHERE who believes every single event taking place on this planet and others forms part of a "grand conspiracy". Likewise, I don't know ANYONE, ANYWHERE who believes conspiracy doesn't exist - full-stop. We ALL inhabit a region in-between both extremes. '"
Exaggeration for emphasis is a normal literary device and your comment therefore has no valid basis.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" I mean, weren't YOU the guy who claimed the SL Challenge Cup draw is "rigged"? '"
Er - no, I debunked the "dodgy ball theory. (Using Photoshop). The precise opposite to what you oddly claim.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" You do realise that a monolith is, BY DEFINITION, a "geological feature consisting of a single massive stone or rock". So you're discounting someone for pointing out "monoliths" on Mars when he is accurately describing the VERY THING YOU CLAIM HE ISN'T? This is what happens when people get their knowledge from movies ... '"
You can be irritatingly deisingenuous. You know full well that in context the suggestion by your mate and his school of thought is that the "Monolith on Mars" must be artificail not natural, so evidence of aliens or whatever, and he then implies that there's loads of 'em. There aren't. There is known to be just that one. And he is comparing long shadows from plainly natural rock objects, to the "Monolith", trying to make people think it is not the only artificial monolith "built" on Mars. As you well know.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" Well, what do you propose? Stop all further missions? Bit suspicious, that - not to mention hard to justify. And as you know perfectly well, the system of government graft in the US is fundamentally wrapped up with the maxim "Use it or lose it". '"
Ah, so you DO think there is known life on Mars, and they've found it, but they have to keep spending untold billions continuing to send missions to "look for it" just so they don't "give the game away" by stopping missions because taht woudl "look suspicious". Okaaaaaay. Hmmm. Now my trolling detector is reaching amber levels.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" ...NASA is run by human beings just like the rest of us. They have the same hangups, are prone to making the same mistakes and are periodically bothered by the same naggings of conscience. You think a guy paid to sit in front of a PC all day editing images is any more honest and diligent just because he works for NASA? '"
No, most human beings working for NASA or elsewhere do not participate in the crazier conspiracy theories about alien life, aliens on Earth, fake Moon landings, no satellites exist, flat earth, and the rest. There MAY be the odd conspiracy loon within NASA and I suppose being such a big organisation statistically there is some likelihood but no, I believe that the overwhelming majority of them are likely to be like the overwhelming majority of other people - just doing their job, and not part of some ludicrous endless and infinitely expensive conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of employees all over the globe 99.9% of which would I think roll their eyes and sigh at the sort of conspiracist shoite I am talking about.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" On the contrary - colour reproduction is a VERY precise science. You are conflating colour PERCEPTION which is not the same thing. '"
No I am not at all. Colour can only be accurately reproduced if you are able to use a light source of precisely standard "white" and of a precisely calibrated brightness and at a precisely measured distance, and starting in total darkness. Anything else and you will get a variation from doing the exact same thing in different places. Whether you call it an error of perception or an error of reproduction will depend. It could be a bit of both.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" No one is talking here about colour perception. '"
Wrong. All we CAN talk about is colour perception. Unless a human eye is seeing the image / object / and forming a judgment on it, which is perception, there is nothing to talk about, is there?
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" When I say it's IMPOSSIBLE for NASA to change their own colour calibration markers from blue to vivid red using only a colour cast transfer and still record an accurate colour rendition (under earth conditions) it's because it really is impossible... '"
Is there an actual point in there that you want to get out, that realtes to something specific?
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" We're talking about NASA's excuse for completely ignoring their own colour calibration procedure, imposing a seemingly arbitrary value and then offering an excuse which introduces a variable which we can't test and yet they knew of it before the mission was even launched. Did the scientists who designed the optical package and the calibration tests just FORGET about this dust? '"
What, specifically, are you referring to? Do you have a link to NASA's said "excuse"?
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" But there's a big difference between attempting to render non-visible radiation in false colour and FAKING images. I'm sure you can grasp the distinction. '"
Indeed I can, sadly many conspiracists on the planet absolutely can't. Which sad state of affairs has been going on ever since the first Moon landing "hoax" claims with their pseudo-scientific absolute bunkum about not being able to see the stars, diverging shadows, why is the dark side of teh lander illuminated and other such puerile objections, which are so asinine that to say they were "debunked" is to afford them 99% more credibility than they ever had - yet despite this, their legacy is that many people to this day ludicrously believe man never landed on the Moon.
Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Mugwump" Erm ... in case you didn't know science is and has never been about arguments from authority. If it were the church would still be running the whole show. The linked video provides EVIDENCE ... '"
As I said the trouble with the linked video is that the presenter reveals his conspiracist credentials as well as presenting grossly unscientific and misleading material. So I can't take anything he says seriously. I'm surprised you can.