Quote Classy Cas 86="Classy Cas 86"... the cigs are on my mind all the time now why? '"
This is where hypnotherapy could help.
From [url=http://www.hypnotherapy-directory.org.uk/articles/smoking.htmlthis site[/url:
[i"Hypnotherapy works by putting you in a deep, relaxed state where your mind is more open to suggestion. At this point your hypnotherapist will look to change your thought patterns by making suggestions such as 'I do not want a cigarette' or 'I am repelled by the smell of cigarette smoke'. For many people, just one session is enough to quit smoking however some may benefit from a follow-up session."[/i
As I said earlier, I walked in to my hypnotherapy treatment a smoker, and walked out an hour later a non-smoker. I barely had a single craving after the session and giving up was easier than any of the other methods I'd previously tried. It does also say that:
[i"Some people find hypnotherapy alone is enough to break the habit, while others prefer to combine it with NRT or medication to tackle both the physical and mental addiction together."[/i
So you could still use your e-cig alongside the hypnotherapy (though you might find you don't need to). Sorry if I seem a bit 'religious' with my harping on about hypnosis, but I can't overstate just how effective it was for me.