Listenup94 wrote:Meltdown time by pubehead
The thing is about some town fans is that they and their chairmen have known about the issues with the council and the shay for as long as everybody else.
During that time they and their chairmen have said and done nothing to address those issues.
Their chairmen never says anything about anything and the only time they say or do anything is when it’s about the rugby club and it’s always just like the post you quoted always plenty to say and open their big mouths about then but just talk and still do nothing.
Where are their initiatives ?
Nowhere because they haven’t got any.
Their can isn’t being touched never mind kicked.
The only club actively engaging with the council and local businessmen trying to find a solution is the rugby club.
If any of the rugby clubs efforts come to fruition it won’t be because of any contribution from them and they will only have themselves to blame for sitting in their backsides and doing nothing.