Seth wrote:It's all bollox
Nobody has summed it up more succinctly.
I once again question the integrity of the RFL and the disciplinary panel, including ex players who sit on it whoever they may be. I’ve had my say on the Harry Smith conspiracy, but equally worrying is the RFL’s overt disinterest in the punch thrown by Franklin Pele in the melee following his head shot on Minchella. I’ve just watched it again to make sure I’m not going mad, and there he is throwing a punch into a player with his back turned. It’s not subtle, it’s not open to debate, he throws a massive raking punch. No charge !! Compare this to James McDonell being charged late last season when Saint Johnny Of Lomax told an official he had been punched by McDonell who was subsequently sent off and charged. Yes he was found not guilty by the disciplinary, but he was sent off and charged on the say so of another player with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. There was no punch, there was nothing to see, there was no offence. Compare and contrast that with someone throwing the most obvious punch you will ever see, that is then totally ignored like it never happened. Something is rotten at the RFL, and the worrying thing for me is that they aren’t even trying to hide it. They say that sport mirrors life, and I’ve got to say Rugby League is mirroring the corruption we see in everyday life better than any other sport at the moment.