Chris71 wrote:It’s concerning that the sport continues to be unable to sell itself and again settles for a lower deal with SKY once more. Although the deal isn’t greatly reduced it’s still another reduction and a failure on the part of IMG. Would hope there is more to come from Channel 4 in terms of coverage and more possibilities for income streams to come in to the game.
I tend to agree with that but it is a smaller reduction than I had anticipated, however, as everyone says it is again devaluing our game when other sports are getting increased offers from Sky and other broadcasters. I'm also a bit disappointed that we haven't heard more from IMG but they did say that 2024 was when we'd see the changes yet by definition for them to be effective we should be hearing now about what's to come. I'm amazed we aren't doing a lot more to encourage and develop young players and that it is not a cornerstone of the grading system to be introduced. At present we are just becoming a dumping ground for many failing, aged NRL players or a good developing ground for their young hopefuls and the standard of our game is suffering..
That said I spent a lot of time looking into IMG's background when they were appointed and deduced that they have a good track record and are are possibly the best organisation in the world when it comes to breathing life into flagging sports. What worries me is as has been said above if this fails in the next three years it could well be down to the failing state of our game and the lack of youth development and participation, if that's the case the TV offer in three years time will be greatly reduced and we are doomed as a full time professional sport.