AppleyBridgeWire wrote:Look, you're right - you're welcome to an opinion, however gloomy. I just wonder about the absolute certainty you have that it will all end so badly. I'm willing to accept that it could end badly. But I prefer to think that Sam has looked at us, decided there is a job that could be done and offered up his services. If the reports of him requesting training videos and keeping Gary Chambers up til 2 am are right, then he certainly means business. All the testimonials he's received from down under since the announcement are positive. Surely the winter will pass better with a sense of optimism than utter dread?
My final point - sorry about this but my inner John Cleese just won't let this go - nausea is first declension - the accusative takes -am. So ad nauseam - write it out 5 times!
Watching training videos should be the minimum expectation of a coach walking into an organisation lol? And keeping Chambers up till 2am? Well for Sam its 2pm, so he's just up at normal hours, nothing above and beyond about that.
Also, i'm not saying it'll end badly. I'm saying the best we're gonna get is top 4. Which is useless, we've been there, done that, most seasons. Burgess getting us to do that is just the absolute minimum expectation based on the previous decade. So people saying he'll do a job, and 'can't be any worse than Powell' well no, i'd agree. But 4th shouldn't be acceptable either and yet everyone seems content with that just cause we've had a couple crap years.