TheWarringtonWolve69 wrote:Not often I agree with you but you are right.
The nhs knew from January a pandemic was coming and did nothing about it. That’s not Boris fault but it’s just easier to blame him. It was also the nhs that killed tens of thousands of old people. Not Boris
I worked for the NHS in January 2020, and yes, we did know there was a virus out there, but quite honestly we didn't know if the virus would be contained like previous sars virus or not, we entered into discussions about the plans we had which were adequate for all but the worst case scenarios (ebola style) and when the impact of the virus started to hit we enacted those plans.
In the main they worked, we extended our A&E into other wards and discharged people into the community who we could, the only issues we encountered that perhaps could have been done better was centred around testing and tracing of people coming into hospital and being discharged to nursing homes, but to be honest, that is more a government issues than an NHS one.
The other issue was one of staff getting ill and technology, it took us a while to get used to working mostly off site, but supporting people on site, but we worked it out.