northernbloke wrote:DC dont really get what yr on about, but obviously you need it to be put in simple terms. Part time rugby league players also generally have full time jobs as well
Eg they make main income not from RL so fully get why a lot would not want or be able to quarentine on return.
If that in yr mind is rubbish, fine.
Interesting. The championship was deemed to be "elite sport" in lockdown thus enabling behind closed doors games. I don't know how the RFL determined that the championship should be elite but in football the test that was applied was that playing football is the main job topped up by something else. And there in lays the problem. An elite team would not have to worry about its players not being able to do their subsidiary job for a few days after playing in France. If as NB suggests RL is the subsidiary work you can't really describe the championship as elite sport?