M@islebugs wrote:Another thing which merits comment is the reference to having paid down debts (incurred by Chalmers). Much was made of the generosity of Bulls fans foregoing repayment of season tickets for last season and this would be reflected in the 2021 squad. To be blunt - it isn't.
Can we now put season ticket-gate alongside Pledge-gate as example whereby Bulls fans bail out the failings of penniless idiots either installed by, or loaned huge sums of money by the RFL under the direction of ..... you guessed it?
Good point. Although some will point to Danny Brough and Justin Murphy and the need to be “sustainable”. I think the problem is that the current setup is incapable of being honest and saying that we’re not competing with the wealthier championship clubs for fear of losing supporters.
In the end it needs big investment and a big effort off the field to properly aspire to be a top championship side or even make a proper effort to get into SL. We’re not really doing either to the extent that Fev, York, Toulouse or even Newcastle are so it looks like we are where we are for now. Mid table at best.