Quote TURFEDOUT="TURFEDOUT"What do you mean by rewarded - Pay increases ?
How much of a reward would be acceptable ?
Would it be an acceptable reward that they still have a job when thousands won't ?
What about private sector that have worked through the pandemic ?
Not sure the greatest strategy of paying down a debt is to start by dishing out rewards (pay increases).
What do you class as wealthiest ?Taxation is already geared to higher income earners paying more,how much would you like to see them pay?
I think its inevitable the triple lock will have to be broken,there will have to be public sector pay freezes.
Inevitable there will be tax hikes.
Circa £330bn needs to be recouped,no government could have anticipated this.
The government could have not been as generous with the furlough scheme,they could not have been as generous with the self employed element of furlough scheme and reduced the expected debt.Unfortunately it was a lose lose scenario for any government what ever the party.
Everyone will have to carry some of the burden.Again not sure what you class as wealthy,but i would increase taxation to 50% for income above £150k,unfortunately this only drags around 300 -350 thousand people into the increase.Would also bring in a new banding of £100k - £150k of 45%
But what we can't do is willy nilly go around giving pay increases because people did their job through the pandemic,however admirable what they have done.
Labour seem fantastic at rolling out criticism of everything,Angela Raynor today asking what support for people returning from France that will have to be quarantined,typical Labour,lets give them a handout - then start moaning when it has to be recouped somehow.'"
One thing that we seem to agree on is people getting "stuck" abroad and/or having to quarantine upon their return.
At this point, it should be made clear to ANYONE travelling abroad is that, in respect of Covid, they do so at their own risk.
For me, people shouldn't be travelling abroad at all currently.
Even though cases may be slowing in the UK, there is a serious and growing pandemic around the world and if "we" cant/dont prevent people travelling, the very minimum should be that additional costs borne by holidaymakers, due to lock down and other virus consequences, should have to pay any additional costs and not expect to simply return to work without consequences.
We would all love to fly abroad and catch a few rays but, doing so at the moment will simply perpetuate the spread of the virus, or worse.
There are politics going on here, rather then protecting the population.
Getting back to NHS front line staff in particular,regardless of the state of the public purse, of course their should be some monetary reward for their efforts during this crisis.and all those that liked to clap on a Thursday evening should be very pleased to contribute, unless, of course,, it was yet more cheap words and deeds, all the way down from the PM.
To suggest that their reward is to still have a job when others may be losing theirs seems just a little bit grubby.
When Johnson talks about a debt of thanks, a bit of clapping on Thursday doesn't really cut it, especially on the back of a 10 year pay freeze that the Tories had already imposed.