Scarlet Pimpernell wrote:2017 Parliamentary Review of Human Rights Within Business. I bet you can see which two words made this review unpalatable to the government.
Thanks for that Scarlet,only scanned through it,but some very interesting points.
Can see the inquiry recommended government give more powers to local authorities.
Personally not convinced,whether powers sit at National or local level would make any difference.
Also found it a little bothering that Leicester local authority have been aware of problems for years now,but not used the enforcement powers they already have with regards poor working conditions.
I just can't see any straight forward solution to the problem around poor working conditions/paying less than minimum wage/illegal workers,because any kind of enforcement will likely result in a worse outcome for the "employees"
eg - Close the factory down - everyone out of work and potentially claiming benefits.
Enforce minimum wage - forces prices of goods up,not competitive,job losses - claiming benefits.
I also wonder, who are these people working for less than the minimum wage,why are they working for less than minimum wage?Could it be they accept the conditions and pay because they are actually working illegally/on the side (i have no evidence of this - just putting it out there)?