wire-quin wrote:What a better place we are for it. Hopefully the new Labour leadership will bring some credible opposition to Westminster.
Why didn't Jezza come out with the stats and facts you've presented to dispel what seems to be an overblown untruth.
The one absolute certainty is that Islamophobia is way more prevalent within the Troy Party than Anti-Semitism is/was within Labour.
However, the Tory press, who themselves like to peddle plenty of anti immigration headlines are somewhat more "sympathetic" toward Boris and the Tories.
They had decided that anti-Semitism was Corbyn's achilles heel and they never gave up with that line of attack.
Compare this to the stuff that Johnson himself has said and written over the years and the pattern of media output really isn't too difficult to follow.
Corbyn could have and should have dealt with the issue far better but, it still wouldn't have got him off the hook.
Meanwhile, Johnson remained bulletproof and still does.