Cronus wrote:Spellini was anti-facist in the same way Josef Stalin was anti-fascist, given he was communist, and at times a Leninist and Stalinist.
Spellini driver was anti fascism
I don't disagree with his reasoning regarding prevention of future conflict, but I do disagree vehemently with his solution.
Nice row back, it was his ideas, but you’d still have preferred continuum of fascism in Europe.
And if you bother to read his writings you see the majority of his motivations were actually born of his communist/socialist roots: abolition of private property, socialisation of monopolies, redistribution of wealth, etc. That's right, the primal roots of the EU lie in communism, and if you dig into most EU acts and treaties over time promoting ever closer union you will find Spellini in the background, driving them on.
Of course, you blindly consider this 'spin'. It isn't.
That was his life experience, he was wise enough to work out how to combat European fascism. Only some of his ideas were adopted and implemented, The roots of the E.U. are anti fascism, you attempted to spin it as communist.
You really are the gift that keeps giving - and absolutely typical of the intolerant left: faced with facts and losing an argument you resort to insults. Keep 'em up.
What’s so funny regards my business career, I started from working class parents in a mining community in a council house, thatcher would have viewed me as a model Tory, wouldn’t she?
To paraphrase someone I'm sure you admire greatly, "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single argument left."
Classic retort from the loser of an argument.
I don't live in Leigh. Too many Romanians.
I am sure Wilzay said you did, but good fortune for the Leighthers then. So regards the house no wife interest then And what about the extent of your overseas property ownership?
All of it. Quite a big house. Overlooks farmland, tha knows.
Cronus wrote:And you think immigration has been at acceptable, manageable levels for say, the last 20 years? You think the views of the normal person on the street all come from Nigel Farage?
You also think, I presume, that the average Brit should shut up and accept the pace and volume of change thrust upon them by 'progressives', who think they know best?
Are you like that smug piece of work Emily Thornberry, who views working class Britain as below her, and mocks it in her tweets?
You probably think that the suggestion of sensible, managed immigration is racist and xenophobic and nazist and fascist and probably satanic. To most people it's common sense.
Wow you have been busy on here today, what’s up, non of that extended schooltype work for you today?, or is it your zero hours contract
Plenty of the right wing racist fascist briebart type stuff to get through though.
And as for all that waffle there is there a factual point in There? You really do come across as an old angry white fascist shouting your propaganda at clouds.
Superblue wrote:Wow you have been busy on here today, what’s up, non of that extended schooltype work for you today?, or is it your zero hours contract
Plenty of the right wing racist fascist briebart type stuff to get through though.
And as for all that waffle there is there a factual point in There? You really do come across as an old angry white fascist shouting your propaganda at clouds.
And you come across as a typical left wing tambourine shaker who has probably been old enough to vote just once.
But hey, you are allowed your say, as much as we are allowed to roll our eyes and thank the stars you and your ilk have been consigned to the shadows.
Joined: Jan 30 2005 Posts: 7152 Location: one day closer to death
Superblue wrote:Wow you have been busy on here today, what’s up, non of that extended schooltype work for you today?, or is it your zero hours contract
Plenty of the right wing racist fascist briebart type stuff to get through though.
And as for all that waffle there is there a factual point in There? You really do come across as an old angry white fascist shouting your propaganda at clouds.
Worked from home today old bean. You're weirdly obsessed with that. It's still work you know - although avoiding rush hour is a bonus, lunch is cheap and working in your underwear is never a bad thing.
I see you again fail to answer any questions. Never mind. At your age and so stuck in your ways I'm sure it's hard to think critically and understand things from another perspective. Stick with your mantra "all immigration is wonderful and anyone questioning mass immigration are racists/xenophones/little Adolphs/fascists" (delete as appropriate - or keep them all. Might as well, that's what you lot sound like).
Joined: Jan 30 2005 Posts: 7152 Location: one day closer to death
Superblue wrote:Spellini driver was anti fascism
Not disputing that. But are you saying he wasn't communist and at times Leninist, Stalinist and a devotee of Marx? He was, as you should know.
Quote:Nice row back, it was his ideas, but you’d still have preferred continuum of fascism in Europe.
I'm not sure why one conflates with the other, but ok.
Quote:That was his life experience, he was wise enough to work out how to combat European fascism. Only some of his ideas were adopted and implemented, The roots of the E.U. are anti fascism, you attempted to spin it as communist.
The roots are a man with base communist ideals, even if he drifted from the Italian Communist Party. That much is reflected in much of the Ventotene Manifesto, clear for all to see. He was anti-fascist but also anti-pre-WW1 European aristocratic rule.
Besides, more relevant than bickering over the details of the roots of the EU, are where the EU and its member states will eventually end up. And that's what I disagree with.
Quote:What’s so funny regards my business career, I started from working class parents in a mining community in a council house, thatcher would have viewed me as a model Tory, wouldn’t she?
Until the point you found yourself brainwashed by the 'progressive' EU agenda, probably yes.
Quote:I am sure Wilzay said you did, but good fortune for the Leighthers then. So regards the house no wife interest then And what about the extent of your overseas property ownership?
Why would Wilzay know anything about me? He barely knows which end of his nose his face is at.
Now that the mist of bullshit is starting to clear away, is there anyone on here that believes we're going to be financially better off as a result of brexit? If so, what makes you think that way, and what caveats, if any, are attached to that belief?
silver2 wrote:Now that the mist of bullshit is starting to clear away, is there anyone on here that believes we're going to be financially better off as a result of brexit? If so, what makes you think that way, and what caveats, if any, are attached to that belief?
IF the UK's negotiators manage to secure a FTA without any financial contribution to the EU then, we will be better off, which is the very reason that the EU wont agree to one and despite the Tory's huge parliamentary majority, there will still be huge pressure on government form the range of business leaders, all of whom will want a decent/preferential deal for their sector. One thing that really did make me chuckle was Grimsby, despite voting 70/30 in favour of "leave" asking for dispensation to protect it's fishing industry and associated businesses - you really couldn't make it up. My message to them would be, you voted out and now you must live with the consequences. The big losers here are of course the remain areas of N. Ireland and Scotland who, despite voting "remain", have to leave along with the rest of the UK. Just like Austerity, we're all in it together - although like much of the Tory mantra, we know that that simply wasn't true.
wrencat1873 wrote:The big losers here are of course the remain areas of N. Ireland and Scotland who, despite voting "remain", have to leave along with the rest of the UK.
An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman walk into a pub; the Englishman didn't like it, so they all had to leave.
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