mat wrote:Which game was the offence committed in? if Swinton could it be we've entered an early guilty plea and hence kow the ban but it doesnt take effect until after full hearings for that round next week?. Seem to remember a case last time we were in championship where we thought a player for oposing team was banned and queried it with RFL when he was on tema sheet and allowed to play with ban kicking in following week.
I'm pretty sure that EGP system was scrapped last year. Now they give out the ban at the initial viewing (when they decide if they're going to charge the player or not), and then the player just does nothing if they accept the decision. If they want to dispute it, they have to appeal (I forget how that works).
When I was looking earlier, I couldn't find the specific record of Green's ban so couldn't tell which game it was from (the Disciplinary section of the site is shockingly bad), but I did notice that in the same announcement of bans, it includes one for Jon Wilkin for swearing at a referee, which was in this past Sunday's game against Rochdale. So it must be the Swinton game.
Edit: Never mind, I've just found the charge. It is from the Swinton game, 68th minute on Rhodri Lloyd.
"Rule – 15.1(i) Detail – Defending player, in or after effecting a tackle, uses any part of his body forcefully to bend or apply unnecessary pressure to the head and/or neck and/or spinal column of the tackled player so as to keep the tackled player at a disadvantage in or after the tackle. Grade – C"