Tarquin Fuego wrote:OK let’s try and put this to bed
We were totally outplayed in wollongong and it wasn’t because we lost our winger
We we’re out smarted out played too slow
Whatever you like we were a model of inconsistency in that game and we’ve been like it all season
Melbourne Storm - you allege they have the pick of Melbourne hence success
I’ve lived here since 2011
Please back up your point and name me a Melbourne born and raised player who is in the team ?????
Who ?
OK the Dave K comment is somewhat wrong about Melbourne being a huge source of talent (I think Fonua wouldn't be too far off being the only Melbourne born player in the NRL). But the Storm have always had a strong presence in Queensland and get a lot from there.
On other issues they have always been well funded and certainly haven't had the cash struggles that have hampered other NRL clubs - News Ltd used to chuck in loads to them. I'm not going to rubbish their on field achievements because they have been impressive and Bellamy is undoubtedly a very good coach, but neither should we forget that they are better funded and resourced than most of their opponents, plus they weren't afraid to cheat either.
Still even with a good deck you still have to win and they have done that - there are plenty of examples of moneybags teams who still come away with nothing.
On to Hull and can they compete financially? Maybe not right up there but certainly close enough that with good management they can be genuine contenders so I'm not too worried about them falling behind yet. As for investment in RL , I don't think anyone is in it for big (or any) profit and they would be daft if they were. Like lower tier football it is something of a rich fan's plaything at times and the owner's tend to be accepting that it is a hobby that will cost. What does surprise me is that more don't put their money in RL for enjoyment compared to League 1 or 2 football. Similar crowds but RL would be cheaper and the chance of becoming a local celebrity if the team goes well is much greater as is the chance of reaching towards the top of the game - something that will never happen to the Scunthorpe's, Yorks and Grimsby's of this world in football.