Harlequin wrote:When the founding fathers formed the constitution of the USA (1776 onwards) the most lethal weapons available were a pitchfork and a muzzle loading musket! I don't think the 2nd amendment (right to bear arms) then envisaged a AR15 automatic 30 clip rifle! If you read the 2nd amendment it states you have the right to bear arms in a well regulated militia. The current situation were you can buy a gun/rifle without too much fuss arose during late 20th century when the supreme court ruled in favour of individual rights (virtually anybody could buy one!) rather then collective rights.
Q. How many people in the USA are killed by guns each year, murders or accidentals shooting?
A. Between 30,000 - 33,000!
In any other country this would probably be called a civil war!
Try to take their guns away...then you will understand what a civil war really is....lots and lots of gun...lots and lots of ammo!