tigertot wrote:Really? I must tell my family to come home as they have not raised any concerns. Perhaps you can supply evidence I can send them?
I work for a very large German company, have around 40 German colleagues in the UK and travel there very regularly. Pretty much every German colleague here in the UK is disgusted with Merkel. The problem is (and I've mentioned this before), that they are too stubborn and/or afraid of the unknown to vote anyone else in. My closest German friend here actually said, "I despise Merkel and she's ruining our country...but I will probably vote for her as I don't know who else to vote for. I'm too German in that way." Plenty of them have even said they would like out of the EU.
I personally know of several British/multinational companies who have instructed their female staff not to travel by train in Germany. They are ordered to fly or hire a car. Several of those companies have seen attacks and/or harassment on female workers by immigrants around the rail network.
Rapidly increasing crime rates are being directly attributed to rising immigrant populations in many areas, as are sexual attacks (the New Year's Eve attacks being the most infamous). Towns that invited immigrants in enormous numbers are seeing huge problems. A massive influx of predominantly young men with hugely different cultural and religious values is turning bad, as anyone with half a brain could have foreseen.
Anyone who thinks immigrants aren't bringing massive problems to Germany are as deluded as the Swedish authorities, who think that by fiddling the numbers the problems will go away. More utterly ridiculous blinkered liberal thinking which has got Europe into this irreversible quagmire.