wrencat1873 wrote:Seriously ?
Wake up and smell the coffee.
The reality of where we are now is that, Labour, even with Corbyn at the helm now have a lead in the opinion polls.
Far from "strong and stable", the Tories have the weakest government in 40 years and you still cant see any wrong with Mrs May and her "policies" ?
People have had enough from being squeezed by the Conservative elite under the banner of "paying off the deficit".
Although public sector workers may have enjoyed some decent perks in the past (the 40/60 pension probably being the best of them), to restrict pay to a 15 increase indefinitely is obscene.
This is not flat cap, left wing politics, it's just wrong.
Yes, many private sector workers have been squeezed also but, what kind of society do you want.
It's no good wanting decent services and education for the younger generation and devaluing the very people who you need to deliver these services, whilst at the same time granting the MP's, inflation busting pay rises, partly brought about to help compensate them so that they may stop fiddling their expenses ??